The Ambrose School

To mature students in Christ as we integrate faith and reason through classical Christian education.
6100 N Locust Grove Rd
Meridian, ID 83646
The Ambrose School is a private, classical Christian school established in 1995 The Ambrose School seeks to educate the whole student by fostering virtue and mature character, sound reason and sound faith, a masterful command of language, well-rounded competence, literacy with a broad exposure to books, and an established aesthetic. Ambrose students gain a strong foundation in the humanities, mathematics, the natural sciences, and world languages; additionally, students take four years of performing or applied arts, including theater, choir, orchestra, art, and broadcast media. Our teachers engage students in Socratic discussions of great works of history, literature, poetry, art, music, and science. Students study over 115 original works including the Iliad and the Odyssey, Antigone and Oedipus Rex, the Bible, Divine Comedy, the Koran, Beowulf, Hamlet, Paradise Lost, Pride and Prejudice, the Communist Manifesto, and Origin of Species.
Latin, Chemistry, Human Biology, Pre-Calculus, Calculus I, 9th Grade Letters, 10th Grade Letters, 11th Grade Letters, 12th Grade Letters
Arts & Performance
Art, Choir, Drama, Orchestra, Graphic Design
Media & Communications
Media Broadcasting, Journalism
Leadership & Strategy
Mock Trial
Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Mountain Biking, Girls Volleyball, Boys Lacrosse
List of Colleges: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Purdue University, University of California Berkeley, University of California Irvine, University of California Los Angeles, University of California San Diego, University of Notre Dame, Rutgers University, Texas Tech University, Concordia University, Fashion Institute of Technology, Ohio State University, Hawaii Pacific University, Idaho State University, Iowa State University, Maine Maritime Academy, George Fox University, Michigan State University, Montana State University, Northwest University, Portland State University, Regis University, Richmond University in London, San Francisco State University, Santa Clara University, Seattle Pacific University, US Air Force Academy, US Military Academy at West Point, University of Alabama, University of Arizona, University of Chicago, University of Dallas, University of Denver, University of Houston, University of Idaho, University of Illinois, University of Massachusetts, University of Minnesota, University of Montana, University of Oklahoma, University of Pittsburgh, University of Portland, University of Southern Mississippi, University of Utah, University of Washington, Utah State University, Valley Forge Military College, Whittier College, Willamette University, Corban University, Texas A & M University, Tulane University, Gonzaga University, Clemson University
ESL Program: No
International Advisor: No
Total Number of Students: 522
Total Number of 9th-12th grade Students: 154