The American Education and Exchange Association is a helpful program for students who are wanting to study abroad at one of our American high schools. We walk students, parents, and agents through the process of coming to America and enrolling in one of our schools. Here at AEEA, we understand that sending a student abroad for school is a very big and sometimes intimidating decision. We acknowledge that students need care, support, and confidence when making this decision, while parents need information and peace of mind knowing that their children will be in good hands. The high rated, top quality schools we work within our network, as well as our AEEA staff, provide all of these things, along with much more.

Contact Us

Find us at the office

Our office is located in Monmouth, Oregon, right behind the campus of Western Oregon Univeristy. If you have any questions or conerns, fill out the contact form below and you will receive an email back as soon as possible.

300 Stadium Drive N, Monmouth, OR 97361

Give us a ring

Jessica Raymond
Phone: +1(503) 837-0146
Mon - Fri, 8:00am - 4:30pm

Contact Us